Arrival and Departure:
Campers should arrive at 2:00 on Monday. Camp will end Friday at noon.
Campers will stay in the designated boys and girls air conditioned cabins. Three meals per day are served for all campers. A canteen is open at designated times to purchase snacks and drinks.
Do not bring:
Activities Include:
- Horseshoes
- Badminton
- Football
- Basketball
- Fishing
- Ping Pong
- Dodgeball
Dress Code: Girls
- Clothing must be NECK to KNEE
- Dresses
- Skirts
- Long gym shorts
- Capris
- No Jeans
- No tight clothing
- No halter tops
- No spaghetti straps
- Swimming
- Playground
- Volleyball
- Putt putt golf
- Paddleboats
- Human Foosball
- Outdoor bowling
- Softball
- Tetherball
- Tennis
- Indoor game room
- Zip Line
- Kickball
- Bible
- Pencil
- Paper
- Sleeping Bag or Bedroll (A MUST)
- Swimsuit (No Bikinis)
- Swimsuit Cover Up (Girls)
- Casual and dress clothes
- Spending Money for Canteen
Dress Code: Guys
- Long pants and shirts
- Shorts to the knee
- No tank tops
- No questionable t-shirt slogans
- Radios
- Paperbacks
- Electronic Devices
- Tobacco products
- Alcohol products
What you will need to bring with you: